First the things I like about MediaShare - it is simple, really simple to set up. It simply streams video files to all enabled UPnP clients (xBox 360, PS3, etc.) It has almost no set up and doesnt try to meddle with the files you are streaming.
The only issue with the software is, if you are looking for a media streamer wich can play any type of file, this isnt the one for you. This only streams the files to your player, if your player wont play the files – well too bad. Other media streamers (PS3 Media Server, Playback) will convert any file to an appropriate file format. This is a double edged sword however and actually why I like MediaShare - transcoding means it is re-encoding the whole file on the fly. If you are talking 720 or 1080p content this can completely hijack your computers processors. Because MediaShare only shares these files and wont recode them, it will never try to re-encode. Great for nerds who like quality, bad for novices who just want to play a movie and dont know what their device will play.